Monday, April 25, 2011

Lent is OVER!!!

Did everyone enjoy their Easter? I know I did. Being Catholic, Easter meant the end of Lent. My boyfriend gave up sweets for Lent. I gave up gluten (which needs to be a permanent thing, but I like food too much) and eating out at restaurants.

So, I haven't really been baking for over a month now.

In celebration of Easter, I made cake balls decorated like Easter eggs. I've made these many times now, but I'll still give Bakerella credit for the idea. If you haven't heard of Bakerella, shame on you. Go look at her cake balls and cake pops.

Cake balls= piece of cake. Make a cake. Let it cool. Mash it up with a container of frosting. Roll the mush into balls. Freeze them. Dip them in chocolate/ almond bark. Let them cool. Decorate.
Over spring break, a guy at Rocky Mountain Fudge in the Galleria mall made me write down the directions for these on the back of a receipt so he could make them. I tell you, these things are highly addicting, and if you are trying to be healthy, get rid of them ASAP or you'll be constantly tempted by the deceptively small size, unaware of how many you've eaten until the tray is almost empty. You've been warned.

This was the Easter basket I made for my boyfriend.
Vanilla cake balls in semi-sweet chocolate, chocolate cake balls in white chocolate.
And Thin Mints that he's never tried and didn't particularly like.

I had an Easter lunch of ham and other fixins with my family on Saturday. I had to drag my boyfriend to church Sunday morning (he was grumpy because of the people who only go to church twice a year), and then I spent Easter baking and laying around, and eating PIZZA from Papa John's and watching How I Met Your Mother with the boy.

Next on the agenda, I need a cheeseburger. It's been so long...

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